About Margie

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Found my New or Old Style?

Hello - I know that I haven't posted in a long while...I have this all-consuming job and it gets so hard to draw much less blog, but I did want to share that in my absence, I was working out what my style is.
When I started really getting serious about drawing back in the day, I started out with charcoal and I loved the dramatic - ness of black and white.
 I really struggle with using color; the combinations of color and using the same colors in every one of my works. My dilemma was also that I really like color too. So After seeing some black and white photographs online with some touches of color, I think I found a way to mesh these two together.
Attached are some drawings I have been working on. I feel less stressed out about trying to figure out color and I can get back to enjoying drawing and if I feel like it - I can just add a little hint of color.

Let me know what you think....


  1. really nice work. I hope you find a style your happy with. I just found something I like and it has taken me awhile. Having a blog pushes you towards that - it just doesn't tell you when you'll find it. Enjoy the process.

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback - I have also been working on enjoying the process instead of stressing about the end result.

  2. A little color certainly works. I think you should do what makes you happy and not worry about style. Your style will show up when you are happily drawing away. It can't NOT show up whether you do one piece in black and white and another in all color, whether you use all the same colors or vary like heck. The important thing especially with a time-consuming job is to enjoy the drawing you do and to do it for yourself. These are very nice drawings. I especially like the lady with the drawings/tattoos down her back.

    1. If i were to ever get a tattoo - that would be exactly how i would get it :)

  3. luv ur art work big sis..keep up the great work.. luv ya

    1. I am trying - like the song says - everyday i'm shufflin' LOL

  4. I think they are wonderful. The drawing style is great and the hint of color is fabulous too!

    1. Dan, thank you much - I always appreciate your comments!

  5. Don't worry about style so much, style will come as you work in series to develop a theme that interests you. Just do work that you enjoy, style will come of itself.

  6. I like them both very much. Just do what you love - that seems to work the best. nancy
