About Margie

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Masks part 2 - process

Beginning stages of painting/drawing
Final stage of painting/drawing

When I do these, I have been really been enjoying the process. I'll draw a small ink drawing of whatever, then I'll blow it up on the copier, paste it down onto sturdier paper, color it in with colored pencils, use some acrylics, a sharpie to outline, then finally cover with a thick layer of gloss to get it all shiny. unfortunately you can't see it in the scans.
 Thanks for everyone's comments! I really appreciate it. You create all alone and there is really no one to ask for feed back - well my kids, but they won't tell me if they don't like it - LOL
Next post I'll tell you the story about a seminar I went to where they made me wear a mask to McDonald's.


  1. Love the sketch and can't wait to hear the story about the mask you had to wear to McDonald's.
