About Margie

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Foster Kids Summer Bash Fundraiser

As some of you know, my husband and I are residential house parents to 7 boys  - plus our own two biological children at Boys Town

In the month of July we were going to hold a drawing for one of my original paintings. The purpose of this drawing is to raise funds so my husband and I can take all of these kids to a water park in August as a celebration of 3 birthdays, end of summer bash, and farewell party (We have one boy who will be moving out on his own at the end of August).

Drawing Tickets will be available 
for $1.00 on my web site at Margie's Art Studio 
and in person at The Gallery on the Edge in College Park, Fl, where the original piece will be hanging for the month of July. 
Here is also a link for them from Fox news.
The drawing will take place on Aug 1, 2013, this is when the winner will be announced on Face book, Instagram, and contacted through email or by phone. 
Shipping will be free and ALL the proceeds will go to fund the event.

A little bit about the types of boys we work with...
These children have been abused, neglected, abandoned, parents have passed away, parents are incarcerated, they have gotten in trouble, or all of the above. Some have never had a real birthday party or ever been to a theme park. When I wished one youth "Happy Birthday" one day, he said to me, "Oh yeah it is my birthday, at my house it was just like any other day and after a while I just forgot when my birthday was." 

If we can show compassion to one of these children, that will be one less broken adult out there in the world.

Thank you for all your support!!!

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